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Since opening our school has grown over the years into a two form entry primary school with a range of additional resources and rooms to support the children. We are very fortunate to still have a swimming pool, a performance studio and dedicated Computing Suite as well as on site wrap round child care facilities.

Year 3 A.JPG



Read the latest report here:

Use this link to take you to the OFSTED dashboard for our school, which offers more than just the latest inspection report. NB the latest report (2023) is yet to be published on the OFSTED dashboard. 


This link will enable you to look at the Schools Performance Data relating to our school.

Pupil Premium


Pupil premium is additional money the school receives to help support children who are in receipt or have been in receipt of free school meals. The money is intended to help schools ensure that all children make the best progress possible. 

Please find below our Pupil Premium strategy which shows, in detail, how much money the school receives, how we intend to spend and the impact it makes. Please be aware that the information is generalised. 


Pupil premium strategy 2023-2024

Governing Body


At full strength, the governing body of Great Totham Primary School has 12 members, plus the head teacher. These governors include:

  • Head teacher

  • Parent governors x 2 (elected by the parent body)

  • LA governor x 1 (appointed by the Local Authority)

  • Staff governor x 1 (elected by the teaching staff)

  • Partnership governor x 2 (appointed)

  • Co-opted governor x 6 (appointed


We also associate members (often ex-governors with specialist skills) whose professional advice we draw upon on a needs basis. Associate governors do not have voting rights. 


The Role of the Governing Body

The governing body at Great Totham Primary School, like those at all schools across the country, has a general responsibility for seeing that the school is run effectively and promotes high standards of educational achievement for all its pupils. The governors’ role is to take a strategic view, and work in partnership with Sarah Vass (Headteacher) and her staff team. Their work includes determining priorities as identified in the School Improvement Plan and ensuring an appropriate budget is set.  In addition governors help review policies by evaluating their impact, help make appointments to the staff team and evaluate the school's performance. This is through the analysis of data, understanding the school's curriculum and how the quality of teaching within the school is impacting upon learning. 

Visit the Essex County Council Governor website for further information.


Governors Meetings


The governing body meet every half term, working in smaller teams or committees when required, on specific projects such as building developments. 

The pay committee meet every autumn term. 


Governor attendance document 2024


Current Governors at Great Totham Primary School - click to find out more


Contacting Governors

Governors welcome feedback and comment from parents. You can do this:-

  • In writing - through either our Governor post box or by letter ( sent to the School Office).

  • Face to face – Governors are regularly at the school either helping in classes, discussing matters with the teaching staff and in the case of Parent Governors dropping or collecting their children at the beginning and end of the day.  

  • By email -


Financial benchmarking 

Schools financial benchmarking compare a school or trust's income and expenditure with similar establishments in England. You can view your school or academy trust's financial data, see how it compares with others and use the information to establish relationships with other schools or multi-academy trusts.  Click here for link.

No school employees have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.  


Year 4 A
Year 5


Starting school or moving from one school to the next is a major step in a child’s life.  We work closely with all parents, schools and pre-school provisions to ensure that this transition is as smooth as possible.


As a Foundation School the Governing Body is responsible for admissions and the current admission policy can be opened below. However we work in partnership with Essex and ‘in round' admissions are processed by the Local Authority team.


An ‘in round’ admission is for children starting school in either Year R (Reception / EYFS), Year 3 or Year 7 the following September. For 'in round' admissions please make your application via The Essex County Council Admissions page (click here for link).

Please note: children already in Year 2 at the school DO NOT need to apply for a place for Year 3, only new entrants to the school. 


All other admissions ('out of round') are processed by the school office. If you have moved into the area or are interested in applying for a place for your child, please fill out the application form below and submit to the school office. You may wish to view the school before you make your application. Please contact Mrs Bome in the school office for more information. 




Application form (out of round admissions). 



 Admissions Policy 2024-2025 


Admissions Policy 2025-2026 


To check your local catchment area, click here.

For information regarding appeals, click here. 

Special Needs


Please find below our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Report - this is where you will find information about the types of SEND we can provide for and how we might provide support. If you have any questions please direct them to our SENCo, Mrs Lawrence via email ( or by contacting her through the school office.  

Complaints about SEND provision should be made by referring to the whole school policy, found on the policy page. 

SEND Policy
SEND Information Report


Head teacher: Miss Vass 

Deputy head teacher: Miss Cleghorn 

Assistant Headteachers: Miss Paul, Mrs Lawrence

SENCo: Mrs Lawrence 

Family Support Worker: Mrs Wilson 


Reception teachers: Mrs Craig and Mrs Carter

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Jowitt, Mrs McMullan 


Y1 teachers: Mrs Haley, Mrs McCarthy

Teaching Assistants: Mrs McTaggart, Miss Grant


Y2 teachers: Miss Paul, Miss Goodsell, Mrs Masterman

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Hankins, Mrs Munro


Y3 teachers: Miss Coulson and Ms Cameron

Teaching assistants: Mrs Reid, Mrs Meadows


Y4 teachers: Miss Read, Miss Davis 

Teaching assistants: Mrs Hedgecock, Mrs Abbott 


Y5 teachers: Miss Vanson and Mr Hunt

Teaching assistants: Mrs Newman, Mrs Robertson


Y6 teachers: Miss Campling, Mr Fowles, Mrs Craig/Mrs Brownsell

Teaching assistants: Mrs Cobb, Mrs Byford


Office staff: Mrs Bome, Mrs Knowles, Mrs Jarvis  


Catering manager: Mrs McBride


Site staff: Miss Rayner, Mr Lloyd

Staff Structure


Great Totham Primary School provides an education that enables all children to learn within an inclusive environment that values them as individuals and prepares them for the next step in their learning journey. Our values and ethos for all children are summarised below: 


For our children we provide:

  • A positive ethos that supports them to develop intellectually, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

  • A stimulating and balanced curriculum that enables them to develop their independence & confidence.

  • A safe and secure environment that enables them to take risks, rise to challenges and develop as effective lifelong learners.

  • High expectations of their behaviour, attitudes to learning and achievement.

  • Teaching of the highest standard.




For our parents we provide:

  • A welcoming and supportive environment The opportunity to build an effective partnership based upon trust & respect

  • Clear, open & timely communication

  • Opportunities for parents to be actively involved in the school community

For our staff we provide:

  • A positive, supportive working environment that values them as individuals

  • Opportunities to develop professionally

  • High expectations in relation to teaching and learning

We contribute to our local community by:

  • Working in partnership with other schools

  • Working together to mutually support school & community activities

  • Ensuring that our children develop an understanding of their role and responsibilities within society.

Vision & Aims


There are many different measures by which we assess and evaluate children's achievements and attainment. Within a school context a key measure is to consider how well prepared children are for the next steps in their learning.

We strive to ensure that all our children are ready both emotionally and academically to meet the challenges of a secondary school curriculum. A clear indicator of this is how well children attain at the end of each phase.

  • End of Year R: Children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals.

  • End of KS1: Children are teacher assessed with regard to their progress in the National Curriculum.

  • End of KS2: Formal end of key stage assessments or SAT's.



Emergency Closure 

Procedure (snow letter)

Read More Here:

Attendance Policy 


Read More Here:


Should you need a paper copy of any of the documents on our website, please just call the office to make your request. 


Governor statement of behaviour principles

GTPS Parents Hand Book

Vision & Aims

Teaching for Learning


Collective Worship


Gov Allowances





Supporting Medical Policy

Child Protection Policy

Keeping Children Safe in Education

SEND Information Report

SEND Policy

Single Equality Scheme

Charging & Remissions


To contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO), Mrs Mazzarella, please make enquiries via the school office. 

Agreed GDPR Policy

Freedom of Info Policy

Privacy Notice - Workforce

Privacy Notice - Volunteer

Privacy Notice - Child / Parent

Records management and retention scheme 

Data Protection
Term Dates




Monday 2nd September 2024

Monday 4th November 2024 

Monday 24th February 2025

Tuesday 25th February 2025 

Monday 2nd June 2025


Essex county council school term dates 2024-2025


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